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Tips for Hosting Online Meetings

There are numerous online platforms for hosting online meetings; some are free and some require a subscription. Some free platforms have time limits for meetings; some do not permit recording. It is important to cross-reference your meeting needs with the functionality of the platform you are considering, especially if you are purchasing a subscription.

If you are hosting a meeting, take time a day or two before to become familiar with the platform. You can set up a test meeting with a couple of friends/co-workers to allow you to become familiar with the various function and option buttons and their locations.

Meeting time should not be a host’s first time on the platform. Even if you have hosted meetings in different platforms, a quick run through of any new platform is important because options, terminology and icon locations can vary slightly.

With most platforms, the host role is automatically assigned to the person who schedules the event.

Host Role

Schedule a meeting in the desired platform and send the invitation to required attendees.

Provide attendees with information on how to join the meeting, including links to the app, if an app is needed. It is better to provide detailed instructions to all invitees than to assume everyone is comfortable using video conferencing software. Most people do not like being singled out because they need a tutorial at the start of the meeting. It can be embarrassing, and it can delay the actual start time, causing others to need to leave before business is completed. Be respectful of other people’s time.

The host should enter the platform approximately 10 minutes before the meeting start time. Click Start a meeting to ensure their system is performing as it should.

To prevent hacking, most platforms default to ensure attendees will not be able to join the meeting until the host has started the meeting. In some platforms, participants are relegated to a “waiting room” until you join or until you admit them to the meeting. You may need to “admit participants” as they join the meeting. If the meeting is going to have more than 4-5 participants, have a list with you to ensure you know when all invitees have joined/been admitted to the meeting.

Understanding the Platform/Application You Are Using

If it is your first time hosting, you may need to configure your microphone and camera. To do this, click Start Meeting; then click Using Computer for Audio. In most meeting rooms, you can enable video by clicking on the camera icon. If there is a line through the microphone icon or the camera icon (highlighted below), you will need to click the icons to activate. To see the attendees (participants) click the participant icon.

The following icons are common across most video conferencing platforms but are not necessarily in the same location on your screen.

From left to right in the diagram these icons are:


Day of the Event

Saving Chat Messages

In the meeting window, go to File > Save > Chat.
The 'Save Chat As' dialog box appears.
Choose a location at which you want to save the file.
In the File Name field, type a name for the file.
By default, if you have already saved chat in the session, the name of the previous file you saved will display. You can save all chat messages in your current meeting to this existing file, or save them to a new file.
Click the Save button.